1-On-1 Private Training


If you made it this far then you're obviously interested in what I have to offer so I'll get right to it. 

Let's face it things are getting dangerous for law abiding citizens. Flash mobs, unprovoked attacks by strangers, and the mentally deranged. You don't have to go far to find these things and it's not getting any better. So, I have a few questions for you. 

Are you tired of feeling like a helpless victim in a world full of danger? 

Do you want to unlock the badass fighter within you? 

Then listen up because "I do" have the solution for you. But... a little candor here... 

Let me be frank, there was a time when people were a thousand times tougher, and it's not because they had better genetics. Back in the day, life was harder, and people were just tougher.

They knew how to fight and defend themselves, and they weren't afraid to stand up to evil bullies and thugs. But now, we live in a society where everyone is too scared to speak up and fight back. I see it all of the time where people are paralyzed by irrational fear more worried about getting in trouble than protecting their own lives or worse, that of their loved ones. You know it's true!

I recently saw a video of a guy who let his wife get punched in the face by some thug on a subway train and did nothing to protect her. I don't know how that guy looks himself in the mirror let alone sleeps at night. 

I know this offends people to hear this but it's true and I don't owe anyone anything but the truth. People need to get over themselves.

As a retired US Marine (more on that later) with 40 years of high-level martial arts experience, I teach the best personal defense training in the world. My REAL, BRUTAL, AND SIMPLE SYSTEM of self-defense was created to deal with REAL VIOLENCE that visits people every day, not sell tickets or get likes on social media. 

My one-to-one private training is tailored specifically to your needs and abilities, ensuring that you get the most out of every session. You won't get lost in a group class, struggling to keep up or falling behind. I will push you to your limits, helping you unlock the toughness you never knew you had. So, if you had to "go there" you can do so with perfect clarity and confidence. 

But don't just take my word for it. Students rave about my teaching methods and the results they achieved,

        "Al's training is intense, practical, and fun. He's a master at teaching you to respond to a threat with the right mindset and skillset. I walked away feeling more confident and capable than ever before."   

        -David Smith, Seattle, WA

 Another student stated,

        "Al is the real deal. His experience and expertise make him the best personal defense trainer out there. He genuinely cares about his students and goes above and beyond to make sure we are getting the most out of our training."     

        - Anthony Visalli, Retired Police Chief, Hastings, NY

From an instructor in Brazil, 

         "After recently organizing a seminar with LtCol Al Ridenhour in Brazil, I can fully support his unique didactics and insights on how to martially train the body to be free from irrational fears."    

        -Luciano Imoto, Owner-Academia Imoto, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Warrior Flow is a system of fighting designed to train people through a Warrior Mindset, to fight effectively “in the body” that they already have so that if they have to fight, to be able to win the fight. Especially if it’s for their lives!

I train you to bring the fight right to the enemy with ruthless efficiency and intention for the sole purpose of ending the fight as quickly as possible. So, I train you from the very start to possess the Moral Certainty and Perfect Clarity to push past fear and know what to do and be able and willing to do something about it.

My philosophy is proficiency fosters competence, which enables you to stand in that space between courage and fear called “confidence”. You see the only fight that really matters, that really counts, is the one you win for your life or those you protect, everything else is all bullshit, a duel, a game. Now, virtually all martial arts show you tools and techniques but not how to actually use them in a real fight… because they don’t know how.

So, instead, they actually train you away from how the body works under dynamic conditions. What makes Warrior Flow unique is the focus is on developing you in the body “first” refining your movement as you grow in skill.

This is done through a method of training and exercises that not only develop your fighting skills but enable you to continually improve to the point where your movement becomes so “refined” you “transcend technique”. Making your movement better!

        "Lt Col Al is able to teach anyone at the level they are at - from relatively frail people in their 80s to current MMA fighters and help them all reach their higher potential. That attitude pervades his classes and a friendly respect is the rule. That is very hard to find in schools that focus on realistic combat - you often instead get a "fight club" mentality or have to settle for some "gentle style", etc. Screw that! I want to train to fight for my life if necessary until I'm very old indeed but I don't want some junior instructor moron trying to self-validate by breaking ribs to be setting the pace in class. You will find none of that fear-based stuff here yet you will improve beyond what you knew possible..."

       -Steve Phylls, San Francisco

Now, envision in your mind just for a moment already occupying that space of feeling more capable than before, “better." “That’s” what you want!

I believe in walking the walk and my words speak to this dedication to teaching and the intense belief in the power of personal defense. I am passionate about empowering people to protect themselves and their loved ones. I believe that everyone has the right to feel safe and secure, and I am committed to providing the best training possible to make that a reality. 

So, if you're ready to stop feeling like a helpless victim and start taking control of your personal defense, sign up for my 1-On-1 FREE introductory private training today.

You'll discover why I am a dedicated professional whose expertise is unmatched in the industry, and you'll leave the session feeling like a true fighter, ready to take on whatever the world throws your way. 

This is my guarantee to you!

So, what do you want to do?



 About Al Ridenhour

Warrior Flow private training is instructed by Al Ridenhour who is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the US Marine Corps with 28-years of service with multiple combat tours to Iraq and Afghanistan. 

He has held numerous command leadership positions including Weapons Company Executive Officer, Sniper Platoon Commander, Infantry Company Commander, Marine Intelligence Officer JTF-6 Counter Drug Mission, Intelligence Section Leader, Regimental Operations Officer, Anti-Terror Red Team Leader Iraq, Director of the Marine Corps lead agency to combat improvised explosive devices, Liaison and Marine Warfighting Lab Program Director Regional Command Southwest Afghanistan, and Marine Corps Liaison to the Joint Staff. 

Upon retirement he served as a Law Enforcement consultant to the NJ State Police Special Operations Section and Regional Operations Intelligence Center, the FBI Philadelphia Bomb Section, and a subject matter expert to the US Department of Homeland Security's, Explosives Division. 

Al is the CEO, Strength From Within, LLC; Creator and Founder of Warrior Flow Combatives and the President and Co-Founder of the International Warrior Arts Association (IWAA). Author of several books on self-defense including The Warrior Scholar Ideal Revisited. 

With over 40 years of Combative Arts experience, he is recognized as a self-defense expert worldwide and is highly sought out for seminars, workshops, lectures, and special individualized training. 

He has lectured on terrorism at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, is the author of several books on self-defense and holds a BA in Criminal Justice and an MBA. His personal philosophy toward self-defense is as Thucydides once said that "All men are basically the same and he who is best is trained in the severest of schools." In other words, the qualitative difference between one man or another is not in how big or strong they are, but how "WELL TRAINED" they are. You see, it's not a matter of whether you're so-called "tough," you're either trained or you're not and competence breeds confidence... Period. 


If you’re serious about learning to protect yourself and your loved ones take me up on my offer!
What I will teach you in our first hour together will radically change how you think about self-defense… and will be life changing!

You will be blown away by what I show you’re capable of, from there we can take it to the next level. The only question now is: What do you want to do?
Like “The Matrix” you have a simple choice.

You can take the “BLUE PILL” and go back to sleep doing whatever the hell it is you’re doing in your life right now, and forever wonder to yourself, What if? If Only I had…? Would’ve, could’ve, should’ve…


You can take the “RED PILL” make the bold move for yourself, your family and take the leap of faith, and find out just how deep the Rabbit Hole goes.

Trust me the hole is deep, the learning is endless, the experience is life changing.
If you’re ready to enter the next chapter in your life and stand in that space… hit the BUTTON at the BOTTOM of the page and GET STARTED!


In a world full of "wolves" be the HUNTER!