This page establishes the rank criteria for each rank from Intermediate, Advance and Expert Levels and for those pursuing the instructor's track. Apprentice Instructor to Senior Master Instructor.

Focusing on the most fundamental attributes a practitioner should possess commensurate to their physical ability. These standards are the “minimum requirements” for each rank to include being able to teach.

While a person can advance in Warrior Flow without becoming an instructor no one can become a Master Level Instructor without developing the skills necessary to teach.

Intermediate / Apprentice Instructor Level Criteria

Stages of Flow:

  • First there is a development of body control and that requires a completely unique way of experiencing oneself. This is the opening to the Intermediate Level of skill. 
  • Next there is a developing awareness of "the other" in a dynamic relationship, and often at the initial stage of this development there is a desire to "succeed" to find a way to become "unavoidable and unavailable" that often translates into a kind of subtle imposition of ones sell to "win" at the game.
  • When one’s ability to simultaneously incorporate the principles into movement are present the individual is at an Intermediate Level of skillfulness, (g.: the ability to sense and move from a position of dynamic balance while dealing with the movement of others). 

Specific Skills and Attributes

Minimum time frame of training required to become an Apprentice 6-months.

They have their mind in the right place with an emphasis in training on fighting for their life "for real" and not to win in class and other bullshit.

Have a solid understanding of the principles (i.e., EQUILIBRIUM CONTROL, SUBTLE MUSCLE CONTROL, PERCEPTUAL AWARENESS and CREATIVITY) and move with good control over their body

Their hands should when on top have a “relatively light touch”, not “resting” on another person hands thus giving up control of their hands

Limited amount of "unnecessary" speeding up when moving slow during Flow Exercise

Not prone to “pushing” when performing Flow Exercise at various speeds

Have the ability to rapidly accelerate and strike "instinctively" and stay in the battle with an advance practitioner

Know how to perform basic strikes with reasonable power commensurate to their size, strength etc.

Be able to drop strike with all of their strikes without winding up, hopping in the air or excessive movement

Know how to enter on an opponent while remaining unavailable as they enter

A general overall understanding of what they can do within their own body and what they cannot do and how to fight within their own body and not beyond it.


Advanced / Instructor Level Criteria

Stages of Flow: 

  • At this level as the development continues, they need to have the ability to surrender to the movement itself, as well as the "imposition" of the other creates actual openings to becoming "unavoidable and unavailable" 
  • When the individual can sense this aspect of movement, and take control of their response, so that they remain in control even while giving up a position so that something that had not been possible from that position opens and becomes possible for them, they are approaching or at a Expert Level of skillfulness. 

Specific Skills and Attributes

Minimum time frame of training required to become an Advanced Level Practitioner 1 year.

Have a solid understanding of the principles (i.e., EQUILIBRIUM CONTROL, SUBTLE MUSCLE CONTROL, PERCEPTUAL AWARENESS and CREATIVITY) and move with good smooth control over their body

Relatively "smooth execution" in their movement (in other words little to no excessive or overt jerky movements)

Limited amount of "unnecessary" speeding up when moving slow during Flow Exercise

Ability to rapidly accelerate and strike "instinctively" and stay in the battle with an advanced practitioner

Ability to "strike for effect" with reasonable power commensurate to their size, strength etc.

Be able to drop strike within any direction without winding up, hopping in the air or excessive movement

A good understanding of what they can do within their own body and what they cannot do and how to fight within their own body and not beyond it.

Once they have attained these minimum levels of skill should they desire they are eligible to be trained in the “WARRIOR FLOW Instructors Course”. This is a one-time course for people at the instructor level and above. This course focuses on proper teaching techniques and qualifies an instructor to run training workshops, seminars, open a school under the WARRIOR FLOW Name (should they desire) and promote people who have met the minimum qualifications to the level of Intermediate or Apprentice Instructor Level.


Expert / Senior Instructor Level Criteria

Stages of Flow:

  • At this next stage of development, the movement becomes anticipatory, gaining the “Shadow Impression” (adumbration) based on a calculation of possibilities inherent in the moment, so they begin to "get ahead of the movement."
  • At this stage in the development of the individual “Fighting in the Future” is always at the forefront of their movements, and they are able to create possibilities that were not present intentionally in both reactive and proactive ways. [Note: at this point a person is now at the Senior Instructor Level and approaching the Master Instructor Level of skillfulness].

Specific Skills and Attributes

Minimum time frame of training required to become an Expert Level Practitioner 2 years.

Have a perfect understanding of the principles (i.e., EQUILIBRIUM CONTROL, SUBTLE MUSCLE CONTROL, PERCEPTUAL AWARENESS and CREATIVITY) and move with excellent control over their body

Have the ability or control another person’s movement without pushing or without much exertion of force.

“Smooth” execution in their movement where they can transition from one root point to the next without losing their balance or control of their body. (in other words little to no excessive movements)

Virtually, no speeding up when moving slow during the Flow Exercise

Ability to rapidly accelerate and strike "instinctively" and stay in the battle and vary the tempo of their speed with control and little to no over travel in their movement

Ability to "strike for effect" with power commensurate to their size, strength etc. and be able to “internally” drop strike without winding up, hopping in the air or excessive movement

Have an excellent understanding of what they can do within their own body and how to isolate within movement as they move with another person.

The ability to feel another person’s movement and disrupt their body or balance as they transition from one root point to the next.


Master Instructor

Stages of Flow:

  • At this stage the surrender becomes anticipatory, predictive and suggestive, creating an opening for the other person to fail in regard to become available and completely avoidable. 
  • At this point the sense of choice becomes pronounced enough that a sense of true “Future Flow” becomes present and regardless of what the other does they begin from being behind in actual experience of flowing with the person who is operating at this level.
  • As someone builds the capacity to regularly and reliably create “opportunities” for the other person to fail with intention, often before contact has even begun, they are fighting at a Master Instructor level of skillfulness.

Specific Skills and Attributes

Minimum time frame of training required to become a Master Instructor 3 years.

Have a perfect understanding of the principles (i.e., EQUILIBRIUM CONTROL, SUBTLE MUSCLE CONTROL, PERCEPTUAL AWARENESS and CREATIVITY) and move with excellent control over their body

Have the ability or control another person’s movement without pushing or without much exertion of force.

Ability to neutralize a larger person’s movement without speeding up or pushing at a slow speed and the ability to get out of the way and remain unavailable yet unavoidable

Ability to anticipate and get ahead of another person’s movement without having to speed up to do it

“Smooth” execution in their movement where they can transition from one root point to the next without losing their balance or control of their body. (in other words, little to no excessive movements)

Virtually, no speeding up when moving slow during Sensory Flow

Ability to rapidly accelerate and strike "instinctively" and stay in the battle and vary the tempo of their speed with control and little to no over travel in their movement

Ability to "strike for effect" with power commensurate to their size, strength etc. and be able to “internally” drop strike without winding up, hopping in the air or excessive movement

Have an excellent understanding of what they can do within their own body and how to isolate within movement as they move with another person.

The ability to feel another person’s movement and disrupt their body or balance as they transition from one root point to the next.

The ability to teach the art at the most foundational level and the ability to develop people at the most basic level

Ability to work with a person, feel what they are doing in their body and diagnose a remedy to fix whatever they may be doing wrong within the principles

Ability to recognize a person’s limitations and train them to work around them to be able to fight effectively

Once they have attained these minimum levels of skill should they desire they are eligible to be trained in the “WARRIOR FLOW Master Instructor’s Course”. This is a one-time course for people at the Master Instructor level and above. This is a “train the trainer course” which focuses on proper teaching techniques, curriculum development for the sole purpose of developing, training and certifying people as Instructors and Senior Instructors.  Upon completing this course, they are eligible to be promoted to the level of Master Instructor and qualifies a Master Instructor to run training workshops, seminars, open a school under the WARRIOR FLOW Name (should they desire), promote people who have met the minimum qualifications of Apprentice through Senior Instructor, and train as well as certify at their discretion people to become Instructors and Senior Instructors.


Senior Master Instructor

Stages of Flow:

Minimum time frame of training required to become a Master Instructor 4 years.

  • At this stage the Senior Master Instructors possesses all combative skills and is able to discern things through wisdom and have the intuitive judgement (savvy) to “create”, what they need, when they need it, where they need it and understand and explain how and, as honestly as possible, “why” they made certain choices.
  • Their knowledge in the body must be “transferrable”. Therefore, they must have enough knowledge and self-awareness to understand the most fundamental things they are capable of and be able to separate out, as best they can. The difference between their skill through the principles in context and their God given natural abilities.
  • They must be able to help others “frame things” in proper context when either Mindsetting or teaching other Instructors.
  • They must be able to clearly and competently articulate complex concepts in the simplest manner possible so that even a “6-year-old” could understand it.
  • They must be consistent in their explanations and try to be as accurate as possible and be able to provide guidance, coaching, and mentoring to those of lesser rank.
  • Must be able to develop or better yet “create” training, exercises and drills in the proper context in order to train Instructors, Senior Instructors and Master Instructors.
  • Must understand how the universe works, (e., science, basic physics, human anatomy, neurology, psychology, space and time, language, etc.) and be able to teach on the most fundamental level as it relates to self-defense as well as train all level of Instructors to do so.
  • Must be able to teach all courses as outlined in this document as well as the Warrior Flow State Workshop that trains people to overcome irrational fear and other obstacles to “Flow” in order to reach the Warrior Slow State.
  • Must always be able to walk in truth, honor, courage, humility and be prepared to stand in that space and hold the bridge if necessary… even unto death.

50% Complete

Two Step

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