This video is a lecture conducted by Regent University Law Professor, James Duane where he gives viewers a multitude of reasons--some startling. As to why they should always exercise their 5th Amendment rights when questioned by government officials.
Often, we are asked and confronted with the question by students and others we teach as to what to do if they are questioned by the police should they have to use force on another person especially if it involves deadly force.

We can tell you from over 100 years combined martial arts experience that more often than not many people when they train in self-defense are more concerned with getting in trouble with the law than they are defensing themselves. Given the way in which the law and the legalities of self-defense are portrayed on the news or on entertainment shows this is understandable. However, it is not even remotely accurate.
Over the decades we have trained hundreds of people many in law enforcement at the local, state and federal level, we've also trained many who are or where at the time criminal prosecutors, and even state criminal court judges.

Everything you are going to hear in this presentation is 100% consistent with what we have learned throughout the years of instructing people including those in the criminal justice system. You can download his article on the topic found below. Just click the button to download.

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